Design Market, De Hallen Amsterdam
I will be participating in the Design Market in De Hallen in Amsterdam on Sunday 12 November from 11:00 till 17:00. Both postcard boxes * ‘Colourful Wishes’ and box ‘2020-2023’ are available, both are specially dressed for the gift season. Come and say hi!
De Hallen
Hannie Dankbaarpassage 47,
1053 RT Amsterdam
*Colourful Wishes: 8 folded postcards including 8 coloured envelopes
2020-2023: 16 postcards
Each order of postcard boxes ‘Colourful Wishes’ and ‘2020-2023’ will be shipped with a festive gold or black bow until December 31

Colourful Wishes: 8 folded postcards including 8 coloured envelopes

Colourful Wishes: 8 folded postcards including 8 coloured envelopes

2020-2023: 16 postcards